George Ovashvili








George Ovashvili is a Georgian director, writer and producer.
He is a graduate from the film department of the Georgian State university of Cinema and Theatre (1996) and the filmmaking department of The New York Film Academy at Universal Studios in Hollywood (2006). He made his debut with two short films “Wagonnet” (1997) and “Eye Level” (2005). His first feature film “The Other Bank” premiered at the Berlin Film Festival’s Generation section in 2009 and won over 50 international prizes, was nominated at European Film Awards in the nomination “European Discovery”
His second feature “Corn Island” won the Crystal Globe at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in 2014 and was shortlisted for the Academy’s best foreign language film in 2015. “Khibula” ended the trilogy of long features, dedicated to the recent history of director’s home country. Film was premiered in the main competition of Karlovy Vary IFF in 2017.
“Beautiful Helen” (2021) is his 4th long fiction which is in postproduction stage. For this moment, he’s working on his new film “The Moon is a Father of Mine” (2022) After having produced his own works, George started a film production company “Wagonnet Films” in Tbilisi, Georgia in 2016. The company aims to produce various talented directors’ works, mainly through international co-production.

İzleyeceğiniz filmlerin herhangi bir şekilde; bir karesinin, bir kısmının ya da tümünün ses ve görüntülerinin kopyalanması, kayda alınması, ve herhangi bir mecrada yayınlanması Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu 71/1 maddesine göre suçtur!